<aside> 🌱 It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget to focus on the things that are truly important. Are there things you know you should be doing, but haven't gotten around to yet? We all have at least one thing that we know would make a big difference in our lives, but for some reason we haven't started doing it.


What do you know is true but aren’t acting on?

Why aren’t you acting on it?

My Notes


Say the following (out loud): “Everything in my life is completely fine.” What objections arise?

Write them down.

My Notes


Is there anything you’re procrastinating? Something important you are not doing?

Why is it important to you? What is the first specific step you can take?

My Notes


What is one thing you are currently not doing that would significantly improve your life if you did it consistently?

(On a personal note, I always have the same answer to this question. For me, it’s approaching people I meet in public to get over the fear of rejection.)

My Notes
