<aside> 📌 This is the template for the Retro and Planning by Mental Garden, a community of like-minded people who want to lead a better life through reflection.

To receive reflections like this one, go to www.mental.garden and sign up for the newsletter. We send them out on the last Sunday each month.

Use this Notion template by clicking on the Duplicate button in the upper-right corner.



✏️ What goals did you set for yourself last month, and how well did you achieve them?

Make a list of your goals (even if they were only implicit) and score them from 1 (low) to 10 (high). You are not allowed to pick a 7. Take notes as you go.


<Your Notes>

✏️ Is there something that is blocking you?

What held you back last month? What can you do to avoid this next month?


<Your Notes>

✏️ What did you learn?

Did you learn something about yourself, your environment, or about the work you do?
